Wards are 'resting' positions. They generally keep the sword held back close to the body in a position from which you can make an attack or other action. Each ward best facilitates an attack from a certain angle (although will usually allow attacks from multiple angles). Wards can therefore be used strategically to prepare you to counter whatever the opponent is planning on doing from their own ward.
There are seven wards, although in reality there may be infinite variations of these wards, so it is up to you to learn to recognise and 'categorise' the ward your opponent is in, which will allow you to understand how best to counter them.
In each ward the buckler can be held close to the body or extended in front.
Do not try to copy the illustrations exactly. Just get into a position that is natural and comfortable.
2.1 Primary wards
First ward: Sword is held under the buckler arm facing backwards. The true edge is usually facing up.

Second ward: Sword is held above right shoulder facing up or back.

Third ward: Sword is held above left shoulder.

Fourth ward: Sword is held directly above the head, pointing up or backwards.

Fifth ward: Sword is held at the right hip pointing off to the side.

Sixth ward: Sword is held at the chest pointing forwards.

Seventh ward (longpoint): sword is held extended forwards pointing towards the ground. The buckler is held over the sword hand. Longpoint can be held with the sword pointing in any direction, including to the left, right, or even straight at the opponent (but this last one then becomes a 'counter ward'). Cuts and thrusts end in a variation of longpoint.

2.2 Special wards
These are additional wards you might see or use.
Priest's special longpoint (PSL): like first ward but the hilt of the sword has been moved across the body in front of the right hip.

Unnamed ward: A position from which we can thrust. Probably has sword hand at the right hip, and the sword is held across our body, point to our left and somewhat forwards. Facilitates a quick thrust to the left side of our buckler. It is similar to PSL.

Priests special second ward (Walpurgis ward, or ward of the lady): This is just a variation of second ward. The sword is held below the shoulder and back against the body on the right hand side. It probably represents people who hold their sword and buckler separated from each other.
