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I.33 Sword and buckler - 101 - Part 5: An introduction to the counter-wards

Updated: Dec 27, 2023

The counter-wards are probably the most controversial part of i.33. The images in the book are confusing, to say the least, especially since it is not always obvious whether the actions being taking by the priest or the student are 'good' or 'bad', and we only ever see flat images, meaning everything looks like it is happening in the centre line.

Generally speaking, Wards are all about threatening strikes or thrusts. These strikes or thrusts can come from:

  • The right (ward 1, ward 3, ward 4)

  • The left (ward 2, ward 4, ward 5, ward 6)

Blows or (especially) thrusts can also come from below (from ward 1, 5 and 6) or above.

The purpose of a counter-ward, then, is to obstruct or close-off the primary attacking option of your opponent. While they can be used in a purely defensive way, i.e. made in response to an attack, equally you could take the attack on your buckler, or to strike the incoming blow with your sword. Instead, from my reading of i.33, the counter-wards are nearly always being used by the attacker, not the defender. This means that, although the counter-wards are defensive actions, they are often used in an offensive way, and their purpose seems to be to help the attacker to safely close distance and gain a position of advantage.

There are 4 main counter-wards in i.33, with a few additional ones thrown in too. Two of these are are simply called 'schutzen', which means 'cover' or 'defence'. I will therefore assign different names to them. The 4 main counter-wards are:

  1. Half-shield (halpschilt)

  2. Reverse half-shield ('Schutzen' in the book)

  3. Krucke ('crutch')

  4. Hanging-ward ('Schutzen' in the book)

Additional counter-wards include fiddlebow and 'priest's special longpoint'. Seventh Ward (longpoint) is also considered a (poor) counter-ward.

In the next post I will explore half-shield.

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