This is my old interpretation of i33. I have kept it here as a download for posterity, but I have since created a new interpretation that I believe is much better, more accurate, more practical, and easier to follow. My advice would be to ignore my old interpretation (unless you are particularly curious) and check out my new interpretation:
Download the old interpretation here:
In 2025 I decided to remove the individual blog posts and to simply provide a PDF containing the complete interpretation. Thanks to Jonathan Allen (Grauenwolf) for taking the time to compile my blog posts into a single document:
I do not believe that my interpretation of i33 in this guide is correct. I wrote this to teach me i33. I think it provides a lot of information that will help people to understand how the plays in i33 can be performed (as it did for me) and will help people to understand the manuscript, however I do not expect the method of fencing described to be highly practical or martial. In short, I think we can do better, and I hope to create a new interpretation in future.
I have opted to remove the majority of my blog posts and release this as a single guide because my posts were being picked up by search engines quite heavily. I do not want to 'clog up' the search engines unless I am happy that the interpretation I have provided is of high enough quality.
So cool, I already got a manual about I.33 but this will be very helpful for further explanation/interpretation
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